Tuesday 22 November 2016

BaldPen is taking a break to go into cataract operation.鈍 筆 · 正在休息一下進入白內障手術。

BaldPen is having cataract operation in mid Dec 2016. Please pray for him. Thanks to you, his lovely readers.
鈍 筆 是在12月中旬進行白內障手術。請為他禱告。感謝你,他的可愛的讀者

image credits to click here

BaldPen is taking a break to go into cataract operation.鈍 筆 · 正在休息一下進入白內障手術。

BaldPen is having cataract operation in mid Dec 2016. Please pray for him. Thanks to you, his lovely readers.
鈍 筆 是在12月中旬進行白內障手術。請為他禱告。感謝你,他的可愛的讀者

image credits to click here

Saturday 12 November 2016

Mrs. BaldPen favourite food to try: Japanese food.. 鈍 筆 最喜歡的食物嘗試:日本料理

 Mrs. BaldPen likes to try out her favourite food : Japanese food.
鈍 筆夫 人喜歡嘗試她最喜歡的食物:日本料理

Mrs. BaldPen is the model . 鈍 筆 太太是模特兒

BaldPen trying out his new smartphone with another selfie.鈍 筆 嘗試他的新智能手機與另一個自拍照

Mrs BaldPen enjoyed a massage after a long day window shopping.鈍 筆 夫人在長時間的窗口購物後享受按摩服務

 BaldPen takes a picture of wife enjoying a massage after a long day window shopping

鈍 筆 拍攝了妻子在長時間的窗口購物後享受按摩的照片

Mrs BaldPen enjoyed a massage after a long day window shopping.鈍 筆 夫人在長時間的窗口購物後享受按摩服務

 BaldPen takes a picture of wife enjoying a massage after a long day window shopping

鈍 筆 拍攝了妻子在長時間的窗口購物後享受按摩的照片

BaldPen tried taking pictures on a new smartphone when his wife went shopping.當他的妻子去購物時,鈍 筆 試圖在一個新的智能手機上拍照

BaldPen took a picture of his wife buying corn

鈍 筆 拍攝了他妻子購買玉米的照片

Mrs BaldPen baked a banana cake . 鈍 筆夫人 烘烤香蕉蛋糕

BaldPen took a picture of wife with a banana cake.

鈍 筆  拍了一張妻子和一塊香蕉蛋糕的照片

BaldPen took a wefie picture with wife. 鈍 筆 與妻子拍了一張wefie照片

Getting better at selfie, BaldPen took a wefie  picture with wife.

鈍 筆 更好的自拍,BaldPen與妻子拍了一張wefie照片

BaldPen took his first selfie picture for blog. 鈍 筆 為他的博客拍了他的第一張自拍照

BaldPen took selfie to say thank you for your viewing of blog. He was encouraged to use smartphone to take selfie when he knows you are viewing his blog.

  鈍 筆 採取自拍說謝謝你的博客的觀看。他被鼓勵使用智能手機拍照時,他知道你正在查看他的博客。

BaldPen with wife and son at Pizza Hut KLCC during Deepavali on a Saturday 2016.鈍 筆 與妻子和兒子在薄餅小屋KLCC在Deepavali期間在星期六2016年

BaldPen and his wife liked Deepavali Decoration at KLCC, Malaysia. 鈍 筆 和他的妻子喜歡在馬來西亞KLCC的Deepavali裝飾。

BaldPen and his wife took many pictures in KLCC during the Deepavali celebration

鈍 筆 和他的妻子在Deepavali慶祝活動期間在KLCC拍了很多照片

Thursday 10 November 2016

BaldPen and wife were at the Petronas Twin Tower Kuala Lumpur. 鈍 筆 和妻子在雙子塔吉隆坡。

BaldPen went dating with wife at the KLCC kuala lumpur and took a picture with Petronas Twin Tower
 鈍 筆 在KLCC吉隆坡與妻子約會,並與雙子塔拍照

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Monday 7 November 2016

BaldPen having a dinner date with wife . 鈍 筆 有與妻子的晚餐約會

BaldPen eating his favourite food with his favourite person-Mrs BaldPen.
鈍 筆 吃他最喜歡的食物與他最喜歡的人 - 鈍 筆 夫人

BaldPen with wife on a date at Lego display event in 1Utama Mall. 鈍 筆 與妻子在日期在樂高顯示事件的

BaldPen went on a date with wife at 1Utama Shopping Mall in Malaysia. Here is the picture taken with display of Lego .

鈍 筆在馬來西亞1Utama購物中心與妻子約會。這裡是與樂高顯示拍攝的照片

Warning: Graphic picture of surgery wound 警告:手術傷口的圖片

Warning: Graphic picture of surgery wound   

BaldPen is a heart surgery patient completed in 2014. Here is his wound picture.

鈍 筆

Sunday 6 November 2016

BaldPen went with his wife for first LRT ride in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia .鈍 筆 與他的妻子在馬來西亞吉隆坡乘坐第一輛LRT

BaldPen and Mrs.  BaldPen  found the LRT ride very exciting .

鈍 筆 和鈍 筆 夫人發現LRT騎非常令人興奮

Bald Pen busy doing house chores. 鈍 筆 忙做房子差事

BaldPen is busy cleaning house to prepare for New Year 2017.He has a simple and happy life with Mrs.BaldPen

鈍 筆 是繁忙的清潔房子為2017年準備新年。他有與 鈍 筆 夫人的簡單和愉快的生活。

BaldPen and wife's favourite books 鈍 筆 ·和妻子最喜歡的書

BaldPen bought two books for wife and himself to read. Both books are on health subject. Mrs. BaldPen likes to cook for him using recipes from book.鈍 筆 買了兩本書給妻子和自己閱讀。這兩本書都是健康主題。鈍 筆 夫人喜歡用書的食譜為他做飯

BaldPen likes to drink soup. He likes to see people eat. 鈍 筆 喜歡喝湯。他喜歡看人們吃飯

BaldPen always drinks soup like this type so that can eat with other food. He likes to see people eat a lot. He loves to eat curry but cannot eat a lot as it is too spicy

鈍 筆 總是喝這種類型的湯,以便可以吃其他食物。他喜歡看人們吃很多東西。他喜歡吃咖哩,但不能吃太多,因為它太辣

BaldPen likes the Malay food. Spicy types. 鈍 筆 ·喜歡馬來食物。辣類型。

BaldPen likes to order this type of food. However, he cannot eat as too spicy can cause health issues, for example: constipation.

鈍 筆 喜歡訂購這種類型的食物。但是,他不能吃太辛辣可以導致健康問題,例如:便秘

BaldPen Visited Sunway Pyramid Mall Kuala Lumpur. He was on a date with wife. 鈍 筆 參觀的雙威金字塔購物中心吉隆坡。他和妻子約會了

BaldPen was on holiday in Kuala Lumpur. He went to Sunway Pyramid with wife.

鈍 筆 在吉隆坡度假。他和妻子去了雙威金字塔

BaldPen Thanks To You For Viewing:He is already 80 years old [ 鈍 筆 感謝您觀看:他已經80歲]

Bald Pen now doing gardening . He is not feeling so well. He thank to you all for viewing.

鈍 筆 現在做園藝。他不健康。他感謝大家的觀看。他的博客