Thursday 21 December 2023

BaldPen 鈍笔 : 一位教師的回憶錄:我的青春回顧

身為一名 80 多歲的退休教師,我發現自己在分享自己的青春故事,特別是我身為年輕教師的日子。 我的日子都是在學校教書,但在上午 10 點休息的時候,我常常和朋友騎摩托車出去吃點東西。 我們最喜歡的菜餚之一是kampua mee,這是一種當地的麵條,我們會搭配鮑魚片一起享用,當豬肉稀缺時,它取代了豬肉。

當我現在告訴我的妻子時,她說她沒有奢侈地吃鮑魚乾布面。 我記得她在土地區議會工作。 她說她早上只吃媽媽煮的粥。 這頓飯要持續到下午。 晚上,她騎車去鎮上買了點魚當晚餐。 即使現在,她仍然過著非常簡單和節儉的生活。 這就是為什麼我如此喜歡她的風格!

那些日子真是快樂的時光,充滿了歡笑和與同事們的友誼。 我們常常聚在一起喝酒,因為那時啤酒只要85美分。 有時深夜喝完酒後會在家裡過夜,分享故事並透過共同的經歷建立聯繫。 學區是一個文化的熔爐,周圍有來自世界各地的同事,包括印度教師、和平工作隊官員和牧師。 許多人在我們學校教書。

學校社區的多樣性確實令人矚目,我很幸運能成為其中的一員。 回顧過去,我意識到我是多麼幸運,能夠有機會在這樣一個充滿活力和豐富的環境中教學,周圍有這樣一群多元化和才華橫溢的同事。 那是我青春裡最快樂的時光!

Title: "A Teacher's Memoir: My Youth in Retrospect"

As a retired teacher in my mid 80s, I find myself sharing stories in reflecting on my youth, specifically my days as a young teacher. My days were spent teaching in school, but during the 10am break, I would often go out with a friend on a motorbike to grab a bite to eat. One of our favorite dishes was kampua mee, a local noodle dish that we would enjoy with abalone slices, which replaced the pork meat when it was scarce.

When I tell my wife now, she said she did not have the luxury of eating kampua mee with abalone. I remembered she was working in the land district council. She said that she only eat porridge cooked by her mother in the morning. That meal will last until the afternoon. At night, she cycled to the town to buy a bit of fish as dinner. She lead a very simple and frugal life, even now. That is why I love her style so much!

Those days were truly happy times, filled with laughter and camaraderie with my colleagues. We would often gather for drinks because at that time, beer is only 85 cents. Sometimes staying overnight at a house after drinking late at night, sharing stories and bonding over our shared experiences. The school area was a melting pot of cultures, with colleagues from all over the world, including Indian teachers, Peace Corps officers, and priests, all around. Many are teaching in  our school.

The diversity of the school community was truly remarkable, and I feel blessed to have been a part of it. Looking back, I realize how fortunate I was to have had the opportunity to teach in such a vibrant and enriching environment, surrounded by such a diverse and talented group of colleagues. Those were the most happy times of my youth!