Friday 20 May 2022

BaldPen 鈍笔 Feet Get Better 腳變得更好


今天21 May 2022, 鈍笔 夫人為  鈍笔 的腳拍照和錄像。他的腳腫了,現在好多了。腫的少。我們祈禱隨著時間的推移腳會變得更好。

Today21 May 2022,  Mrs BaldPen takes picture and video of BaldPen's feet. His feet were swollen and now get better. Less swollen. We pray  the feet will get even better over time.

BaldPen 鈍笔 Eat Watermelon Helps with Swollen Feet 吃西瓜有助於腳腫


鈍笔 最近腳腫。 對於他和其他人來說,這種情況非常不舒服。 所以,他不得不吃很多他最喜歡的水果西瓜,以排出體內多餘的水分。 他還去就醫,因為它可以有效地使腳很快減輕腫脹。 服藥後他必須經常去洗手間。

BaldPen suffers from swollen feet recently. It is very uncomfortable for him and also for other people to this condition. So, he has to eat lots of watermelon, his favourite fruit, to flush extra  water from his body. He also went for medical treatment as is effective to make the feet less swollen very fast. He has to go washroom a lot after taking the medication.

Thursday 19 May 2022

BaldPen 鈍笔 Graduate to Writing with Bald Point Pen (Digital Writing) 畢業到用光頭筆寫作(數字寫作)

從 2022 年 5 月開始,鈍笔 努力學習在他心愛的智能手機上使用觸控筆寫文章。 通過努力,他正在慢慢地、肯定地用光頭筆(沒有圓珠筆頭的筆)掌握數字寫作。 鈍笔 寫作,而 鈍笔 夫人則在校對文章。


Starting May 2022,  BaldPen learns diligently to write articles using Stylus pen on his beloved smartphone. With hard work, he is slowly and surely mastering digital writing with a Bald Pen (pen without ballpoint tip). BaldPen writes while Mrs. BaldPen  proof-reads the articles. 

Both of them makes a good digital writing team.

BaldPen 鈍笔 Crispy Roasted Pork 脆皮烤豬肉。


鈍笔 最喜歡的肉是烤豬肉。 BaldPen's favourite meat is roasted pork.

BaldPen 鈍笔 Birthday Celebration 生日慶祝


生日慶祝 在我們回到離這裡很遠的家鄉之前,我們的大兒子想在這裡慶祝他母親的生日,主要原因是他的工作很忙。這就是為什麼他喜歡趁著這個千載難逢的機會在這裡慶祝她的生日。他送我們去一家著名的咖啡館/餐廳慶祝她的生日。抵達後,經理接待了我們,並請我們坐下。我們開始點我們最喜歡的飲料和美味的菜餚以及生日象棋蛋糕。



下午 5 點,他準備用一些幹“sua”或長壽麵(麵條)配雞肉和三個紅熟雞蛋(我們三個人)來煮湯。為了更好吃,我們倒了足量的自製紅酒。我們開始愉快地吃飯,很快就完成了餐桌上精心準備的一切。

Birthday Celebration   Before we go back to our home town which is quite far away from here , our eldest son would like to celebrate his mother's early birthday here for the main reason that he has been quite busy  with his work .That is why he would like to take this golden opportunity to celebrate her birthday here.  He sent us to a famous Cafe / Restaurant to celebrate her birthday. Upon arrival , the Manager welcomed us and invited us to sit down . We started to order our favourite drinks and delicious dishes as well as a birthday chess cake . 

      We soon began to wish her" Happy  birthday and Many happy returns to her" by  singing  a "Happy Birthday to You "song ,while she  was cutting the beautifully-decorated birthday cake .

      Time passed very quickly ,the western-style of birthday celebration was soon over .Our eldest son sent us to do shopping at a popular supermarket and then went home. Our eldest son wished to follow the Chinese traditional way  to celebrate my wife's birthday. 

At 5 pm he prepared to cook in soup by using some dried 'sua' or long-life mees (noodles) with chicken and three red cooked eggs (  for three of us). In order to make it more delicious ,we poured enough home- made red wine . We started to eat happily  and soon finished everything well- prepared on dinning  - table.

BaldPen 鈍笔 Supporting the National Vaccination Campaign 支持全國疫苗接種運動


BaldPen 鈍笔 The Past can only be Recalled 往事只能回味



选购些新鮮水果和魚肉. 不久,我们就到一间闻名遐迩的肉骨茶饭店去充饥..一到外面,就見到店里人山人海,座无虛席.等了不久,有礼的服务员就邀请我们就座.

           我们先喝了香气扑鼻的茉莉花茶后.就按照菜单点了几样可口菜餚,.包括嚮往已久.从前已经多次品尝过的美味可口的 肉骨茶.在享用午餐時候.我就回想到以前,当我们的第二个儿子和最小儿子还在这里工作时候点点滴滴的事情.我们一家人时常欢聚在一块的时候,我实在难以忘怀!現在多么希望时光再能倒流,往事成真,不久的将来、一家 人再能欢聚在一起重温舊夢,  恐怕只是痴人说梦,往事只能回味、而且回味无窮!           

          人间无常,我们要随时随地珍惜关怀身边的人.该作应作的事.不可作任何对不起別人的事情,注意言行举止,.要有包容礼让的宽大胸怀,尽量做个对得起別人,也对得起自己的人,日后才不会留下任何遗憾! 虽然“月有阴晴圆缺,人有悲欢离合.”但毕竟人间有情.每个人离別后.都期盼有重逢的一天.首要条件,人先要有健全的体魄活在这个千变万化的繁華世界上,以后才有和人見面的机会.所以健康是所有人最大的財富,愿与大家共勉之!

        Yesterday morning. The wind was sunny and the weather was fine. My eldest son wanted to take the other half (wife) and I to run around and have a look around. We wanted to take advantage of this rare opportunity during a public holiday. Unprecedented delicacies and delicious drinks.

        After breakfast, our eldest son used the car for the two of us to go to different supermarkets to buy all kinds of daily necessities. Then we went to the nearby vegetable and fruit market.,,

        Buy some fresh fruit and fish. Soon, we went to a famous Bak Kut Teh restaurant to satisfy our hunger. As soon as we got outside, we saw that the restaurant was full of people and the seats were full. After waiting for a while, the polite waiter came to the restaurant. Invite us to be seated.

           After drinking the fragrant jasmine tea, we ordered several delicious dishes according to the menu, including the long-awaited and delicious bak kut teh that I have tasted many times before. During lunch, I remembered When our second and youngest sons were still working here bit by bit. When our family got together from time to time, I will never forget it! How much I hope now that time can be reversed again, the past can come true, and in the near future, the family can get together again to relive the old dream, I am afraid it is just a dream, the past can only be recalled, and the aftertaste is endless!

          The world is impermanent, we must cherish and care for the people around us at any time and anywhere. We should do what we should do. Don't do anything that is sorry for others, pay attention to words and deeds, and have a broad mind of tolerance and courtesy, try to be worthy of others and worthy of yourself. People who are in love will not leave any regrets in the future! Although "the moon is cloudy and sunny, and people have joys and sorrows." But after all, there is love in the world. After everyone leaves, they all look forward to a day when they will meet again. To have a healthy body to live in this ever-changing and prosperous world, you will have the opportunity to meet people in the future. Therefore, health is the greatest wealth of all people, and I would like to share with you!

BaldPen 鈍笔 Two Times Eat Bak Kut Teh 兩次吃肉骨茶


鈍笔 和老婆一起吃肉骨茶。 肉骨茶是他們最喜歡的菜。 是一種營養豐富的中草藥湯,可以提神醒腦。

BaldPen eats Bah Kut Teh with wife . Bah Kut Teh is the favourite dish for them. It is a nutritionuous chinese herbal soup to refresh the body and mind. 

BaldPen 鈍笔 Difficult to Meet 分別容易相見难

       昨天晚上.接听到一位曾经在家乡经商.但已提前退休 .并且搬来大城市这里与儿女们同住多年.同时帮忙照顾小孩的近亲.邀请我们还未回去家乡之前見面敍舊.                                                          

       今天早上,雨过天晴.我们在这里工作很久的大儿子先用车送我的內人和我去买了見面礼物后.再用车送我们去探望他们.这时可以看到有形形色色,五颜六色的各种车辆.正在忙碌的公路上 行駛.      



Last night, I heard from a close relative who used to do business in his hometown. But he has retired early. He moved to a big city to live with his children for many years. He also helped take care of the children.

This morning, the rain was over and the weather was fine. Our eldest son, who has been working here for a long time, first took my wife and I to buy a gift for the meeting in the car. Then he took us to visit them in the car. At this time, we can see various, Colorful various vehicles. Driving on busy highway.

Before long, we could see high-rise buildings and dense shops everywhere. We were galloping through the mountains and mountains on the highway. It was almost noon. We finally reached our destination. We first registered at the security booth and completed the formalities. A security guard on duty led us to the front of the elevator. Our close relatives used the elevator to lead us up to the fifteen-story building and entered the house. He hurriedly invited the three of us to sit on the new ornate sofa chairs in the living room. Soon.

We started all over the world. We chatted freely. We all clearly remember the unforgettable things that happened in our hometown. Every minute and every second of precious time. As we kept chatting. I don't know Unconsciously, it disappeared without a trace. Because it was almost noon. Our close relatives warmly kept us to fill our stomachs. We thanked them and went home.

Tuesday 17 May 2022

BaldPen 鈍笔 Favourite Dinner Food to Share with Beloved Wife 最喜歡與心愛的妻子分享的晚餐食物


鈍笔 和 鈍笔 夫人在特別約會時最喜歡的晚餐食物

BaldPen and Mrs. BaldPen's favourite dinner food when go on their special date.

BaldPen 鈍笔 Favourite Food to Share with Beloved Wife 最喜歡與心愛的妻子分享的食物


鈍笔   和 鈍笔  夫人在特別約會時最喜歡的食物

BaldPen and Mrs.BaldPen's favourite food when go on their special date :-)

BaldPen 鈍笔 Sick with Minor Stroke , Emergency in Hospital 中風病人, 醫院急診

BaldPen sick

鈍笔 一大早突然病倒了。
鈍笔 在輕微中風後摔倒了。當 鈍笔 被送進家鄉醫院的急診室時,鈍笔 夫人一整天都很擔心。

BaldPen fell sick suddenly in early morning. 
BaldPen fell after a minor stroke. Mrs. BaldPen was so worried the whole day when BaldPen was admitted to emergency wad in hospital in hometown. 


BaldPen 鈍笔 Blood Pressure Reading 血壓讀數

鈍笔 去政府診所檢查血壓。他的腿腫了,鈍笔 夫人非常擔心。於是,他們去找醫生求助。血壓讀數是會見醫生之前檢查的一部分。

BaldPen went to government clinic to check blood pressure. He got swollen legs and Mrs. BaldPen was very worried. So, they went to the doctor for help. Blood pressure reading was part of check up before meeting doctor. 

BaldPen 鈍笔 Reunited After A Long Absence, Remembering The Past-久別重逢忆当年

                                         Image: BaldPen's memory collection

 昨天五月十四日.星期六、我们的     大儿子趁著我的另一半和我还沒回去家乡以前.先用车送我们去买了見面礼物后、就去探望一位久別多年.从遙远的家乡搬来这里生活的好朋友.她是过去在相同部门服务的好同事和帮忙撮合我们倆美滿姻緣的好媒人.我们先 預备好一份見面礼物后就去探望她.

        不久.当我们到达她的住所和她見面時.两只黄色兇猛的大狼狗正在热烈的欢迎着我们.在不停的搖着肥大尾巴 向我们狂吠着.文质彬彬的女主人邀请我们进屋.我们就坐在裝飾堂皇富丽和摆滿古物的客厅里的椅子上,毫无拘束的閒话家常.大家都感嘆人生无常.世事千变万化.自从分別以后、不觉之间.已经过了几十年的宝貴时光.回忆以前年青力壯.現在卻变成滿头白发.滿脸皺紋、腿脚不大利索.年老多病的老人.一旦回忆起过去那些永远不再回來、令人怀念的欢乐日子.大家除了感到伤心.无奈.和无助外.都希望大家千万要牢记珍惜目前所拥有的一切和善自利用所剩下无法追回和取代的宝貴生命和时间.才会对得起自己的良心和不会辜负別人的期盼.因为我们要去探望其他久別友人和同事.我们只好互相祝福.和依依不捨向她相互珍重声中告別、

        Yesterday, May 14. On Saturday, our eldest son took advantage in taking my other half (Mrs. BaldPen) to see a long not seeing friend before I to go back to our hometown. First, he took us by car to buy a gift for the meeting, and then went to visit a man whom he had not seen for many years. A good friend who moved to live here from a far hometown. She is a good colleague who served in the same department in the past and a good matchmaker who helped us make a happy marriage. We will visit her after preparing a meeting gift.

        Soon. When we arrived at her residence to meet her, two yellow and fierce wolf dogs were welcoming us warmly. They were barking at us with their fat tails wagging. The gentle hostess invited us into the house. We Sitting on a chair in the luxuriously decorated living room full of antiques, casual gossip is commonplace. Everyone sighs that life is impermanent. The world is ever-changing. Precious time. Recalling the youth and strength of the past. Now it is full of white hair. Wrinkled face, weak legs and feet. Old and sick old man.

       Once you recall the happy days of the past that will never come back .In addition to feeling sad, helpless, and helpless, I hope everyone must remember to cherish everything they have now and make good use of the precious life and time left that cannot be recovered and replaced. 

       Only then will they be worthy of their conscience He will not live up to the expectations of others. Because we are going to visit other friends and colleagues that have been separated for a long time. We have to bless each other. We reluctantly bid her farewell in the voice of mutual respect,

Saturday 7 May 2022

BaldPen 鈍笔 Mother's Day Quotes 母亲节感言


Mother's Day simple meal

Mother's Day Cheesecake :-)

今年五月八日是 欢庆伟大母亲的母亲佳节.到处都洋溢着家喻戶晓 “世上只有妈妈好”和其他讚頌母亲功不可抹和母愛偉大.悅耳动听的歌曲.我们大儿子要趁着这次难得的相聚机会.带我的另一半和我到外面的飯店欢度这 佳节.                                                               

       当天下午五時卅分.他就用车载我倆去外面一同用餐.不料有些飯店关门休 息,但最后,  終于找到一间飯店.有礼的服务员热心的招呼我们就座和献上菜谱.我们就点好飲料和佳餚.不久,我们就品尝着由服务员端上美味可口的菜餚,飲品和精制蛋糕.当我们吃得津津有味的当儿.我们的心中难免浮現着过去全家成員团圆欢聚时难以忘怀.感人的情景历历現在眼前,久久都不能散去.但是毕竟人生难免会遇到无不散的 宴席,曲終人散的失落和无奈的时候.但愿每逢佳节.所有的家庭成員 都能再次欢聚在一块,感恩母愛的伟大和只有默默的付出.但不求回报的无私无怨的精神!愿与大家共勉之!我在此敬祝普天下所有伟大的母亲“健康,快乐,平安,幸福!”和“福如东海、寿比南山!

May 8th this year is the Mother's Day to celebrate the great mother. Everywhere is filled with the well-known "Only mother is good in the world" and other praises of mother's indelible contribution and mother's love. Beautiful songs. Our eldest son will take advantage of the This is a rare chance to get together. Take my other half (wife) and I to a restaurant outside to celebrate this festive season.

       At 5:30 pm that day, he used the car for us to go out to eat together. Unexpectedly, some restaurants closed for rest, but finally, we finally found a restaurant. The polite waiter warmly greeted us to take a seat and presented the recipe. We just ordered. Drinks and delicacies. Before long, we were enjoying delicious dishes, drinks and exquisite cakes served by the waiters. While we ate with gusto, our hearts were inevitably filled with memories of past family reunions. Touching The scene is so vivid that it can't be dispersed for a long time. But after all, life will inevitably encounter banquets that do not go away, and the end of the song is lost and helpless. I hope that every festive season, all family members can gather together again. , I am grateful for the greatness of mother's love and only silent giving. But the spirit of selflessness and no complaint that does not ask for anything in return! I would like to share with you! I hereby wish all great mothers in the world "health, happiness, peace and happiness!" and "Fortune is like the East China Sea, longevity is like Nanshan!

Saturday 30 April 2022

BaldPen 鈍 筆 Online Meeting & Study | 在線會議和學習

 鈍 筆 和 妻子 邊參加在線會議一邊努力學習。

BaldPen and Mrs.BaldPen attend online meeting and study very hard at the same time. 

BaldPen 鈍 筆 Grateful | 感恩一鈍笔


Image sources: John-Mark Smith ( 

The ancients once said: Flowers are not as bright as a hundred days, and a person is not as good as a thousand days.


各位长辈    各位朋友  各位先生   各位女士   大家平安!   时间过得真快 .  转眼间  ,已经有好多年沒有和大家联系了.自从一九一四年,过去在国內医院行医,但多年前已在国外医院培訓及行医多年的幼子.安排我在吉隆坡国家心脏中心体检.但不幸被发現染上心脏病,承蒙心脏专科医生治好心脏病后,因为新冠病毒疫情关系,.多年都不能按时从砂拉越飞来吉隆坡国家心脏中心持续体检.只好在本地的医院作好体检.不料,今年突然觉得心悶、心痛、呼吸短促及脚部麻痺浮腫,经过多间医院医生检查治疗及劝告,要趁早前来吉隆坡国家心脏中心主治医生继续复诊.作详细体检和治疗.

     .  古人曾说过:花无百日紅,人无千日好.  出乎意料,在今年三月八日早上起身時,感到全身乏力,天旋 地转.舌头不能转动、言语含糊不清.眼球不能灵活,在这千鈞一发时刻,幸亏命不该絕,我贤慧的枕边人从睡梦中惊醒,立刻通知附近的大侄儿.我感謝他第一时间送我去政府医院急诊室,经过医务人员用心的抢救,发现是轻微中風、由于医务人员不辞劳苦耐心诊治后.終于出院回家休养,次日住在外地的次男和兒媳妇迎接細心照顾二週后,就回家休养.在亲爱的老伴不离不弃的照顾之下,病情有些起色.不料,在今年三月廿八日早上,突然觉得昏眩、经过私人诊所医生检查后.发現体內缺盐,就获准在家输入兩包盐水,真的像渡日如年,不幸.次日卻发現脚腫,又要麻煩在吉隆坡工作的大儿子订购机票,包括租用机场轮椅与联 系国家心脏中心,确定体检复诊日期时间后,苍天不负苦心人,終于在四月十日上午由遙远家乡和老伴一起乘搭 车辆和班机、准时抵达吉隆坡国际机场.不辞辛劳的大儿子就用车迎接我们住在他家.翌日清晨,用车载我们去国家心脏中心急診部作全身检测后,又用车送我们填饱肚子.购物后才回家.于四月十三日早晨,大儿子又用车送我们去国家心脏中心检測心脏.检查完毕后.就去办理复诊手续,早上九時卅分,按照程序进入主治心脏专科医生诊疗所耐心等候.不久.经过心脏专科医生细心阅读所有检验报告.询问一切病情及耐心检查后就开了一张药方和复诊日期时间.向主治專科医生致谢后就去买葯.大儿子又用车载老伴和我一起去填飽肚子和购买一些曰常必需品后就回家.




       回想今年三月八日清晨不幸染上轻微中風,現在心有余悸.  我很感恩每位曾经帮忙我渡过危难的恩人和貴人.我也感谢和感激我亲爱的枕边人、所有的家 人和亲友们在各方面无私的付出,不求回报的精神,和所有为我祷告的人们,让我每次都能安然渡过难关.过着正常生活.我欲趁这机会祝愿大家身心健康,万事如意,心想事成,平安 幸福.

Dear elders, friends, ladies and gentlemen, everyone is safe! 

Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, I have not been in touch with you for many years. 

My youngest son who has been trained and practiced in the hospital for many years. arranged me for a physical examination at the National Heart Center in Kuala Lumpur. Unfortunately, I was found to have a heart attack. After being cured by a cardiologist, due to the new crown virus epidemic, I was unable to leave Sarawak on time for many years. I flew to the National Heart Center in Kuala Lumpur for a continuous physical examination. I had to go to a local hospital for a physical examination. Unexpectedly, this year, I suddenly felt heartburn, heartache, shortness of breath and numbness and swelling of the feet. The attending doctor of the National Heart Center Kuala Lumpur will continue to follow up for detailed physical examination and treatment.

     The ancients once said: Flowers are not as bright as a hundred days, and a person is not as good as a thousand days. 

        Unexpectedly, when I got up on the morning of March 8 this year, I felt sluggish, and the sky was spinning. At this critical moment, fortunately, my life should not end. My wife bedside person woke up from his sleep and immediately notified his eldest nephew nearby. I thank him for taking me to the emergency room of the government hospital at the first time. After the careful attention of the medical staff The rescue was found to be a mild stroke. 

        After the medical staff worked tirelessly and patiently to diagnose and treat BaldPen- him, he was finally discharged from the hospital and went home to recuperate. The next day, Baldpen-his second son and daughter-in-law who lived outside the city received meticulous care for two weeks, and then went home to recuperate. Under the care of him, his condition improved. Unexpectedly, on the morning of March 28 this year, he suddenly felt dizzy. After being checked by a doctor in a private clinic, he found that his body lacked salt, so he was allowed to enter two packets of saline at home. 

       It's like a long day, unfortunately. The next day, BaldPen- I found that my feet were swollen, and I had to trouble my eldest son who works in Kuala Lumpur to book an air ticket, including renting a wheelchair at the airport and contacting the National Heart Center. , Finally, on the morning of April 10, I took a car and flight from my distant hometown and my wife to arrive at Kuala Lumpur International Airport on time. The eldest son, who worked hard, met us in a car and stayed at his house. In the early morning of the next day, we went to the country in a car. 

        After the emergency department of the heart center did a whole body test, they sent us to fill our stomachs by car. We went home after shopping. On the morning of April 13, our eldest son took us to the National Heart Center for heart testing again.

       After the inspection. I went to go through the follow-up procedures, and at 9:30 in the morning, I entered the clinic of the attending cardiologist according to the procedure and waited patiently. After a while, the cardiologist carefully read all the test reports. After asking about all the conditions and patiently checking, a prescription and The date and time of the follow-up consultation. After thanking the attending specialist doctor, I went to buy medicine. The eldest son used his wife in the car to go with me to fill his stomach and buy some daily necessities before going home.

        Because BaldPen-my wife accidentally fell and injured her right shoulder and back when she was at home or going out, the right shoulder could not move freely, and her legs and feet were not easy to walk. The eldest son has made an appointment with the hospital to see an orthopaedic specialist in the middle of next month. BaldPen-My back also have pain in my knees and I plan to see the same orthopaedic specialist at the same time as my wife, in the hope that the medicine will be cured and I can walk freely. 

       Then I can go home and live an old and healthy life.

        Recalling how many dangerous situations BaldPen-I faced in the past can be saved. It seems that many years ago, when I was about to board a boat at the pier, I accidentally fell into the river and was washed out of the shore by the big waves. I was frightened and could not swim. I was rescued now. 

       Once again later, I was hit by a passing vehicle while waiting for a car on the side of the road; I faced the risk of several surgeries and recently contracted a mild stroke, all of which were secretly blessed and helped by God. With the help of benefactors. The ancestors have not committed sins from generation to generation, and each time they can overcome different critical hurdles. 

       Now I think of it, I still have lingering fears in my heart!

       In the past, because my good helper and I accidentally fell and injured our feet, we felt a little hard to walk. 


       Our eldest son first went through the procedures for renting a wheelchair with the airline. When we arrived at the airport, we sat in wheelchairs, Pushed from start to finish by airport staff; in the early morning of April 10th and 13th, my eldest son put me in a wheelchair and personally pushed me to the National Heart Center Emergency Department and the attending cardiologist clinic for a detailed medical examination I felt puzzling and sad. Because I never expected to use a wheelchair for walking and have to be pushed by others. At that time, the sense of helplessness and helplessness was incomprehensible to outsiders. I had no choice but to ask heaven. l

       Recalling that I unfortunately contracted a mild stroke in the early morning of March 8 this year, and now I have lingering fears. I am very grateful to every benefactor and noble person who helped me through the crisis. I am also grateful and grateful to my dear pillow people, all my family and relatives and friends Selfless giving in all aspects, the spirit of not asking for anything in return, and all the people who have prayed for me, have enabled me to get through the difficult times and live a normal life every time. 

      Wishes are fulfilled, peace and happiness.

BaldPen 鈍 筆 writes with smartphone and stylus pen at 84 years old | 84 歲時用智能手機和手寫筆書寫

 BaldPen 鈍 筆 本週開始用智能手機和手寫筆寫作。他在寫作後發表在線文章。敬請期待!

BaldPen 鈍 筆 starts to write this week with smartphone and a stylus pen. He is publishing online articles after writing. Stay tune!

BaldPen 鈍 筆 Organic Home Farm | 有機家庭農場

BaldPen 鈍 筆 喜歡在家裡種菜。種植了許多蔬菜和水果。他每天都和太太一起在小農場裡。白頭筆