Tuesday 17 May 2022

BaldPen 鈍笔 Reunited After A Long Absence, Remembering The Past-久別重逢忆当年

                                         Image: BaldPen's memory collection

 昨天五月十四日.星期六、我们的     大儿子趁著我的另一半和我还沒回去家乡以前.先用车送我们去买了見面礼物后、就去探望一位久別多年.从遙远的家乡搬来这里生活的好朋友.她是过去在相同部门服务的好同事和帮忙撮合我们倆美滿姻緣的好媒人.我们先 預备好一份見面礼物后就去探望她.

        不久.当我们到达她的住所和她見面時.两只黄色兇猛的大狼狗正在热烈的欢迎着我们.在不停的搖着肥大尾巴 向我们狂吠着.文质彬彬的女主人邀请我们进屋.我们就坐在裝飾堂皇富丽和摆滿古物的客厅里的椅子上,毫无拘束的閒话家常.大家都感嘆人生无常.世事千变万化.自从分別以后、不觉之间.已经过了几十年的宝貴时光.回忆以前年青力壯.現在卻变成滿头白发.滿脸皺紋、腿脚不大利索.年老多病的老人.一旦回忆起过去那些永远不再回來、令人怀念的欢乐日子.大家除了感到伤心.无奈.和无助外.都希望大家千万要牢记珍惜目前所拥有的一切和善自利用所剩下无法追回和取代的宝貴生命和时间.才会对得起自己的良心和不会辜负別人的期盼.因为我们要去探望其他久別友人和同事.我们只好互相祝福.和依依不捨向她相互珍重声中告別、

        Yesterday, May 14. On Saturday, our eldest son took advantage in taking my other half (Mrs. BaldPen) to see a long not seeing friend before I to go back to our hometown. First, he took us by car to buy a gift for the meeting, and then went to visit a man whom he had not seen for many years. A good friend who moved to live here from a far hometown. She is a good colleague who served in the same department in the past and a good matchmaker who helped us make a happy marriage. We will visit her after preparing a meeting gift.

        Soon. When we arrived at her residence to meet her, two yellow and fierce wolf dogs were welcoming us warmly. They were barking at us with their fat tails wagging. The gentle hostess invited us into the house. We Sitting on a chair in the luxuriously decorated living room full of antiques, casual gossip is commonplace. Everyone sighs that life is impermanent. The world is ever-changing. Precious time. Recalling the youth and strength of the past. Now it is full of white hair. Wrinkled face, weak legs and feet. Old and sick old man.

       Once you recall the happy days of the past that will never come back .In addition to feeling sad, helpless, and helpless, I hope everyone must remember to cherish everything they have now and make good use of the precious life and time left that cannot be recovered and replaced. 

       Only then will they be worthy of their conscience He will not live up to the expectations of others. Because we are going to visit other friends and colleagues that have been separated for a long time. We have to bless each other. We reluctantly bid her farewell in the voice of mutual respect,

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