Thursday 19 May 2022

BaldPen 鈍笔 The Past can only be Recalled 往事只能回味



选购些新鮮水果和魚肉. 不久,我们就到一间闻名遐迩的肉骨茶饭店去充饥..一到外面,就見到店里人山人海,座无虛席.等了不久,有礼的服务员就邀请我们就座.

           我们先喝了香气扑鼻的茉莉花茶后.就按照菜单点了几样可口菜餚,.包括嚮往已久.从前已经多次品尝过的美味可口的 肉骨茶.在享用午餐時候.我就回想到以前,当我们的第二个儿子和最小儿子还在这里工作时候点点滴滴的事情.我们一家人时常欢聚在一块的时候,我实在难以忘怀!現在多么希望时光再能倒流,往事成真,不久的将来、一家 人再能欢聚在一起重温舊夢,  恐怕只是痴人说梦,往事只能回味、而且回味无窮!           

          人间无常,我们要随时随地珍惜关怀身边的人.该作应作的事.不可作任何对不起別人的事情,注意言行举止,.要有包容礼让的宽大胸怀,尽量做个对得起別人,也对得起自己的人,日后才不会留下任何遗憾! 虽然“月有阴晴圆缺,人有悲欢离合.”但毕竟人间有情.每个人离別后.都期盼有重逢的一天.首要条件,人先要有健全的体魄活在这个千变万化的繁華世界上,以后才有和人見面的机会.所以健康是所有人最大的財富,愿与大家共勉之!

        Yesterday morning. The wind was sunny and the weather was fine. My eldest son wanted to take the other half (wife) and I to run around and have a look around. We wanted to take advantage of this rare opportunity during a public holiday. Unprecedented delicacies and delicious drinks.

        After breakfast, our eldest son used the car for the two of us to go to different supermarkets to buy all kinds of daily necessities. Then we went to the nearby vegetable and fruit market.,,

        Buy some fresh fruit and fish. Soon, we went to a famous Bak Kut Teh restaurant to satisfy our hunger. As soon as we got outside, we saw that the restaurant was full of people and the seats were full. After waiting for a while, the polite waiter came to the restaurant. Invite us to be seated.

           After drinking the fragrant jasmine tea, we ordered several delicious dishes according to the menu, including the long-awaited and delicious bak kut teh that I have tasted many times before. During lunch, I remembered When our second and youngest sons were still working here bit by bit. When our family got together from time to time, I will never forget it! How much I hope now that time can be reversed again, the past can come true, and in the near future, the family can get together again to relive the old dream, I am afraid it is just a dream, the past can only be recalled, and the aftertaste is endless!

          The world is impermanent, we must cherish and care for the people around us at any time and anywhere. We should do what we should do. Don't do anything that is sorry for others, pay attention to words and deeds, and have a broad mind of tolerance and courtesy, try to be worthy of others and worthy of yourself. People who are in love will not leave any regrets in the future! Although "the moon is cloudy and sunny, and people have joys and sorrows." But after all, there is love in the world. After everyone leaves, they all look forward to a day when they will meet again. To have a healthy body to live in this ever-changing and prosperous world, you will have the opportunity to meet people in the future. Therefore, health is the greatest wealth of all people, and I would like to share with you!

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