Thursday 19 May 2022

BaldPen 鈍笔 Birthday Celebration 生日慶祝


生日慶祝 在我們回到離這裡很遠的家鄉之前,我們的大兒子想在這裡慶祝他母親的生日,主要原因是他的工作很忙。這就是為什麼他喜歡趁著這個千載難逢的機會在這裡慶祝她的生日。他送我們去一家著名的咖啡館/餐廳慶祝她的生日。抵達後,經理接待了我們,並請我們坐下。我們開始點我們最喜歡的飲料和美味的菜餚以及生日象棋蛋糕。



下午 5 點,他準備用一些幹“sua”或長壽麵(麵條)配雞肉和三個紅熟雞蛋(我們三個人)來煮湯。為了更好吃,我們倒了足量的自製紅酒。我們開始愉快地吃飯,很快就完成了餐桌上精心準備的一切。

Birthday Celebration   Before we go back to our home town which is quite far away from here , our eldest son would like to celebrate his mother's early birthday here for the main reason that he has been quite busy  with his work .That is why he would like to take this golden opportunity to celebrate her birthday here.  He sent us to a famous Cafe / Restaurant to celebrate her birthday. Upon arrival , the Manager welcomed us and invited us to sit down . We started to order our favourite drinks and delicious dishes as well as a birthday chess cake . 

      We soon began to wish her" Happy  birthday and Many happy returns to her" by  singing  a "Happy Birthday to You "song ,while she  was cutting the beautifully-decorated birthday cake .

      Time passed very quickly ,the western-style of birthday celebration was soon over .Our eldest son sent us to do shopping at a popular supermarket and then went home. Our eldest son wished to follow the Chinese traditional way  to celebrate my wife's birthday. 

At 5 pm he prepared to cook in soup by using some dried 'sua' or long-life mees (noodles) with chicken and three red cooked eggs (  for three of us). In order to make it more delicious ,we poured enough home- made red wine . We started to eat happily  and soon finished everything well- prepared on dinning  - table.

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