Saturday 7 May 2022

BaldPen 鈍笔 Mother's Day Quotes 母亲节感言


Mother's Day simple meal

Mother's Day Cheesecake :-)

今年五月八日是 欢庆伟大母亲的母亲佳节.到处都洋溢着家喻戶晓 “世上只有妈妈好”和其他讚頌母亲功不可抹和母愛偉大.悅耳动听的歌曲.我们大儿子要趁着这次难得的相聚机会.带我的另一半和我到外面的飯店欢度这 佳节.                                                               

       当天下午五時卅分.他就用车载我倆去外面一同用餐.不料有些飯店关门休 息,但最后,  終于找到一间飯店.有礼的服务员热心的招呼我们就座和献上菜谱.我们就点好飲料和佳餚.不久,我们就品尝着由服务员端上美味可口的菜餚,飲品和精制蛋糕.当我们吃得津津有味的当儿.我们的心中难免浮現着过去全家成員团圆欢聚时难以忘怀.感人的情景历历現在眼前,久久都不能散去.但是毕竟人生难免会遇到无不散的 宴席,曲終人散的失落和无奈的时候.但愿每逢佳节.所有的家庭成員 都能再次欢聚在一块,感恩母愛的伟大和只有默默的付出.但不求回报的无私无怨的精神!愿与大家共勉之!我在此敬祝普天下所有伟大的母亲“健康,快乐,平安,幸福!”和“福如东海、寿比南山!

May 8th this year is the Mother's Day to celebrate the great mother. Everywhere is filled with the well-known "Only mother is good in the world" and other praises of mother's indelible contribution and mother's love. Beautiful songs. Our eldest son will take advantage of the This is a rare chance to get together. Take my other half (wife) and I to a restaurant outside to celebrate this festive season.

       At 5:30 pm that day, he used the car for us to go out to eat together. Unexpectedly, some restaurants closed for rest, but finally, we finally found a restaurant. The polite waiter warmly greeted us to take a seat and presented the recipe. We just ordered. Drinks and delicacies. Before long, we were enjoying delicious dishes, drinks and exquisite cakes served by the waiters. While we ate with gusto, our hearts were inevitably filled with memories of past family reunions. Touching The scene is so vivid that it can't be dispersed for a long time. But after all, life will inevitably encounter banquets that do not go away, and the end of the song is lost and helpless. I hope that every festive season, all family members can gather together again. , I am grateful for the greatness of mother's love and only silent giving. But the spirit of selflessness and no complaint that does not ask for anything in return! I would like to share with you! I hereby wish all great mothers in the world "health, happiness, peace and happiness!" and "Fortune is like the East China Sea, longevity is like Nanshan!

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